within easy reach at all times
Lessen your wallet’s burden, add all of your discount cards to Cardberry app for iOS and Android!
your cards
with your
Share them via a mobile app.
Even more cards, even more discounts!
Cardberry – one card for all discounts
Choose the discount card you need and instantly write it onto an electronic Cardberry card via energy-efficient Bluetooth module
Use Cardberry as an ordinary discount card
Cardberry card is identical to any
discount card - just hand it over
to the cashier!

Discounts within easy reach at all times

Lessen your wallet’s burden, add all of your discount cards to Cardberry app for iOS and Android!

Share your cards with your friends

Share them via a mobile app. Even more cards, even more discounts!

Cardberry – one card for all discounts

Choose the discount card you need and instantly write it onto an electronic Cardberry card via energy-efficient Bluetooth module

Use Cardberry as an ordinary discount card

Cardberry card is identical to any discount card - just hand it over to the cashier!

and save 50%
Become one of the first owners of a unique Cardberry card!

About us

Cardberry makes common things comfortable. We experienced first-hand the problem of carrying discount cards every day. Over time they increase in number, while the room in your wallet vanishes. This is what prompted us to create Cardberry, an innovative opportunity to conveniently store all discount cards at hand. Discounts and bonuses from favorite stores bring the pure pleasure of shopping. Gathering all your discount cards in one place, Cardberry opens up a world of comfortable shopping and new opportunities!
Contact us